The Internal Information System / Ethics Channel is the tool implemented by INSER ROBÓTICA, S.A. for the purpose of preventing and detecting behaviors contrary to current legislation and the internal regulations of the organization, as well as protecting individuals who report these behaviors and situations through the internally established channels.
With the firm business intention of establishing an Internal Information System that is accessible, we have made available to all our members and any third parties linked to us by a professional relationship, a reporting channel through an online form, accessible via the following link.
Communications and information submitted will be required to be precise in describing the behaviors intended to be reported and, where possible, indicate or attach evidence or indications that can clarify the facts communicated through the Online Ethics Channel for Reporting.
INSER ROBÓTICA, S.A. guarantees compliance with the guiding principles that will be applied in the management of the information provided through this System, the internal procedure that will govern its execution, and the protection of potential informants who access and use it. The reception of the communication and access to its content by all those authorized to do so, as well as its subsequent processing, will be carried out with absolute confidentiality, ensuring compliance with current regulations regarding the protection of personal data.